Aida Mosier
I believe we are all more similar that different.
I believe deep inside we want most of the same things and we call it different names
I believe that when we can see that and honor each other, the world will be better.
As a Coach and a human, I have a mission to help people embrace the wholeness of who they are, belong to themselves and life a whole life. With all the emotions that that entails.

My Story
I was born and raised in Mexico and moved to the USA as an adult. My journey wasn’t easy—I faced the challenges of adjusting to a new culture, marrying someone who doesn' speak my language, raising a bilingual and bicultural child, and managing the cultural expectations that came with it. I often felt isolated and unsure of where I belonged. It was through life coaching that I found my strength and discovered the power of living 'in-between' cultures.
My journey has not been linear, it has it's ups and downs and I have learned to have compasion, allow the emotions and accept all the options. Over the past six years, I have stablish a daily practice of this multiple modalities framewark with my own spiritual practice or praying, journaling and moving meditation. Practices I have had my entire life.
Today, I use my experiences to help other women through similar struggles, helping them find their own path to belonging and fulfillment.