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Aida Mosier
Jul 21, 20222 min read
Things are not what they seem, and you might be missing out
Never judge a book by it's cover, things are not what they seem. These are very common phrases, it talks about expectations. We can be...

Aida Mosier
Jun 9, 20222 min read
Showing up for yourself even when you know you will fail
Last weekend was very busy; my kid had a lacrosse tournament, and he had several games from Friday to Sunday. Seeing the stamina and...

Aida Mosier
May 26, 20222 min read
Spreading love, starting with us
This has for sure been a difficult week, to say the least. As I have been putting my kid to bed for the past two nights, I can't help but...

Aida Mosier
Apr 21, 20222 min read
We florish when we face harsh time
The beautiful gigantic Sequoia trees require forest fires to grow and thrive. We all grow through harsh moments, they make us stronger
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