In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the urgency of daily tasks and obligations. You’re juggling work, family, dreams, and maybe even that unfinished cup of coffee from yesterday! It’s easy to get caught up by the "just push trhough" idiology—after all, those goals will not happen on their own, will they? But here's the thing: what if the secret to reaching those goals faster is actually slowing down?
While it might sound like a contracdition, it makes complete sense. My mom used to say "despacio que llevo prisa" which means "slow down that I'm in a hurry". After many years, I understand what she meant.
So, hold on and let's dive into seven steps to an ironically, quicker path to success.
Step 1: Take a Breather
Life is a marathon, slow and steady, not a sprint. When we are constatly in a hurry, we end up living in fumes and easily lose track of why we are running in the first place. So, pause, take a deep breath and reflect on what really mattersto you. It is in those moments of stillness that you gain clarity and inspiration, that's where the magic happens.
Step 2: Define Your Priorities
Do you have a long "to-do" list? Go over it with a fine comb, be minimalistic about it. Anytihng that is not align with what you really want out of life, cross it. After all, if it is not getting you closer to what you want, why are you even doing it?
Step 3: Embrace the moment
Stay present and fully engaged in the moment. I don't mean meditate, I mean be fully present in whatever you are doing. Whether is a big project for work, cleaning, family time, show up fully. Lose the phone and make conscious decisions. When you are all in, the right step will be clearer.

Step 4: Set Clear and Achievable Goals (bite size)
Big goals are exciting and many times overwhelming, so chunk down to bite size actionable tasks. Celebrate everytime you clear a task from your list, it means you are closer. Besides, it provides a sense of accomplishment and motivation to keep going.
Step 5: Treat Yourself (seriously)
Here is your permission slip to slow down and take care of the most important part of your life .... YOU! Recharge and rejuvenate mind, body and spirit. This does'n't have to break the bank, take a walk in nature, slow down and breath (literaly), read a book, get enough sleep, eat properly. Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup.
Step 6: Practice Gratitude
Cultivate a mindset of gratitude and appreciate the journey. Gratitude shifts your focus from what you are lacking and desperately want to what you actually have. Celebrate the wins no matter how small. Gratitude takes you from "I'm not there yet" or "I'll never get there" to "Look how far I have come".
Step 7: Find your tribe
Don't be afraid to seek support from people who will uplift and inspire you. Success is not a solo journey, it is long and heavy. Find your community, no matter how alone you think you are. Together you will go further and faster.
See, by slowing down you atually go faster, it's about finding what moves the needle for you. So take a breath, reevaluate your priorities, and aligning your actions with your values so you can move forard with confidence.
What if success was not measure by how fast you get there, but by how meaninful and fulfilling is the journey.
Slow down to get there faster—because you and your dreams are worth the mindful pursuit.
Practical, great, uplifting advice