Wouldn't it be nice if we could change the world and create exactly what we want? Today I heard "If I had the opportunity I would change the world, and he answers, if you want to change the world, you don't wait for the opportunity, you take the opportunity." This got me thinking, what opportunity am I waiting for to change my life, to change the world?
There are things we all want, it can be as small as dropping 10 pounds to end hunger in our community. Whatever it is we want, lives in our head, but we don't act on it as we are waiting for permission, approval or something else. We are waiting for that someone that will give us permission to take charge, to take charge of our lives.
As I sit hit and think about it, I can only wonder who gave permission to those who we are waiting to tell us that we can go ahead and make fabulous changes, that we can make an impact in the world. What authority do they have that we are lacking?
The only difference is normally that those people take a step, they are willing to fall flat in their faces to go after what they want. They are willing to speak up and be judged, be wrong. They are not waiting for anyone to give them permission to step up and be everything they can be.
If you want to make a difference in your life and the world, you have to grab the pot by the handle, give permission to yourself to shine, to risk being put on the spot, to risk being hurt and be uncomfortable. Opportunities are made by use when we decide to move forward and go after what we want, even if we never get it. The changes and transformation that happen on the way are the ones that change the world.
So, if you are still waiting for that opportunity, stop. Make an opportunity and be the change you would like to be in the world
