This has for sure been a difficult week, to say the least. As I have been putting my kid to bed for the past two nights, I can't help but think about all the empty beds. I can't imagine the pain, of those parents facing empty beds at home, left with nothing but memories and pain.
There is so much pain, so much hate going around, looking for someone to blame, making politics out of this tragedy. Don't get me wrong, I'm outrage and in pain. But as the history unfolds, I can't help but wonder, how we get to this point?
In what moment did we turned into a society that has children shooting children, because let's face it, at 18 you can't even get a drink, you are still a child. What drove a teenager to commit such an incomprehensible action?
And now that we are here, how do we move past the hate, the madness.
Changing laws and protecting all innocent lives is critical, but I also believe that it is fundamental to change our core believes, our nature, to connect with each other, to find love, to find healing.
We live in constant fear, fear of not being accepted, of not being seen, of offending someone, of speaking up. Fear of being judged, of being left out, fear of disconnection.
The funny thing about connection, is that it requires vulnerability, it requires us to show up authentic and raw. To accept that we are not perfect, to be willing to be hurt, humiliated and still rise.
While we can't turn time back, we can change our future. We can take the time to be present, to look into somebody else's eyes and notice grief, joy, sadness and experience it with them.
We can start today to change the world, one person at a time. Look in the mirror and see how amazing you are, you don't need anything else to be 100% lovable. And spread the love, love your family, your friends; but let them know how much you love them.
You will notice your heart opening as you allow all that love to fill you in. Stop during the day, take a pause, look and acknowledge the beauty around you, slow down.
Awareness takes practice, but when you master it, you can see clearly around you; you notice things you ignored before. Maybe you can transform someone today with a smile, a kind word.
If we are all looking for the same things, belonging, joy, connection ... wouldn't it be so much easier if we do it together? Make a pause and acknowledge how AMAZING you are today.